Evergreen Air Quality


Mold Testing

Mold is a fungal growth that originates and spreads on damp or decaying organic matter. It’s very common in buildings where there has been a water leak, flood, or excessive moisture. If left untreated, it will continue to proliferate and potentially cause health problems for those in close proximity. 

Where is mold commonly found?

  • Areas affected by leaky roofs, windows, and pipes 
  • On paper products and cardboard
  • Ceiling tiles and wood
  • Wallpaper, insulation, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery 

Our mold testing experts will test the air, specific surfaces, and areas of dust accumulation in order to detect mold growth. From there, we will determine if your indoor air quality meets current safety standards as well as OSHA requirements. 

With locations in both Maine and Orlando, Florida, we work with commercial property owners, government entities, medical buildings and hospitals, schools, and residential property owners to resolve their mold concerns.

Maine & New Hampshire Services

Orlando, Florida Services