Air Quality Testing in Orlando: Ensuring Safe Air in Humid Climates

Have you been feeling unexplained dizziness, drowsiness, or sudden headaches while in your home? These symptoms are not only unpleasant; if left untreated, they can be extremely harmful to your long-term health. The only problem is — what if you don’t know why you’re experiencing these symptoms?

If you have a sudden, unexplained onset of sickness that cannot be explained by a health condition, virus, or illness, there’s a chance your indoor air quality could be at fault. If you live in a humid climate, mold and other irritants can easily build up to a level that affects your physical health.

Air quality testing for homes can tell you if something lurks in your house that might make you sick. This process is quick and easy and something that homeowners in humid climates like Florida and New England should be familiar with to protect their homes and families.

Common Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can manifest in various ways, often mimicking other health issues, which makes it tricky to diagnose. Beyond the dizziness and headaches, here are some other symptoms that might indicate your air isn’t as clean as it should be:

  • Respiratory Issues: If you or your family have been experiencing frequent coughing, sneezing, or shortness of breath, this could be due to airborne contaminants like dust, pollen, or mold spores.
  • Fatigue: A constant sense of tiredness or lethargy, even after a good night’s sleep, can sometimes be linked to breathing in low-quality air over an extended period.
  • Irritation of the Eyes, Nose, and Throat: Unexplained irritation in these areas is a common sign that something in your environment is causing inflammation, potentially due to chemicals or allergens.
  • Worsening of Allergies or Asthma: Those with pre-existing respiratory conditions may notice their symptoms worsening in poor air quality. This could be due to mold growth, high humidity, or a buildup of allergens.

What Happens During Air Quality Testing?

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to call a professional team to conduct indoor air quality testing. During this noninvasive test, experts will take samples from around your home and test everything from the air to the dust accumulated on furniture.

From there, we send all samples to our laboratory to determine whether indoor air quality levels are safe for human habitation or if issues must be addressed to ensure your family’s safety.

Better Air Quality Testing for Homes with Evergreen Air Quality

In humid climates like Orlando, ensuring good air quality in your home is crucial for maintaining your health and well-being. If you’ve been experiencing unexplained symptoms, it might be time to consider air quality testing. This simple yet essential step can identify hidden hazards and help you take the necessary actions to protect your family. Don’t let poor air quality compromise your health — contact Evergreen Air Quality today and let us help ensure the safety of your living environment.